Freedom to Read Books

Welcome to the Walhalla High School Library book blog, Freedom to Read Books. Join us for discussions about banned and challenged books; tell us what you really think. Just remember that you are still in a school setting, so be responsible and keep it clean. Click in using NAME/URL to identify yourself, but sign your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL ONLY in the name box. Do NOT give out personal info. It's a crazy digital world out there; be safe.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

Have you read any banned books lately? Share your insights on this controversial title from author Stephen Chbosky.


At Fri Nov 17, 09:23:00 AM 2017, Anonymous Russell K said...

The perks of being a wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Is this a good novel for the younger generation. Yes it is, because, it talks about very important issues in our world. Issues like gay marriage and drugs like pot, LSD and alcohol. And as much as people don't like to admit it, people and sadly teens still do them in our world. And i think younger people can relate in some way through that. Also teens can relate to it through the family issues at home that are shown. A lot of teens can relate through that. Because a lot of the younger generation has issues at home as well. Teens can have something to relate to their life and it gives them something to hold on to.


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