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The novel Summer Of Fear would be appealing to adolescents because the novel is more like a mystery and it has a teen’s point of view. Young adults would relate to Rachel’s thoughts in this novel and understand the way she feels while she tries to prove to her parents that her cousin Julia is bad luck. Julia is living with Rachel and her family now, and from the moment she arrives, things are not the same. Within a week’s time, Rachel’s dog dies mysteriously, her neighbor suffers a stroke, and Julia steals Rachel’s boyfriend Michael and best friend Carolyn. Rachel believes that Julia is bringing bad luck to her neighborhood, and she wants to get to the bottom of it and to find out what is really going on with Julia. When Rachel's mom leaves to go to Santa Fe for a job interview, Rachel finds more out about Julia. Now Rachel is trying to save her parents from something bad happening. Teenagers will relate to Rachel and be on the edge of their seats as she attempts to stop Julia, making this novel appealing to young readers.
Paisha - mysteries and suspense are very popular with our students! Even though this is not a new book - it was published in the mid 1970's! - it still to this day has appeal with teens. You seem to have a good understanding of why this is so; I look forward to hearing what you think once you have read it completely - Lois Duncan does a really good job with YA literature in general and this genre in particular.
The novel Summer of Fearby Lois Duncan would appeal to teens because there is never a dull moment. The thrill of this novel keeps teen readers on the edge of their seat, and keeps them guessing. The suspense and unknown keeps teens reading. Rachel reads a newspaper article and sees the picture of a family who has gone missing. The article mentions that the daughter’s friend, who had gone camping with the family, is also missing. Rachel must ask herself who is this girl, how does she fit into the lives of this family, and why wasn’t she in the pictures with the others? Rachel’s cousin, who happened to survive the car crash, is named Julia. She has to get to the bottom of it and none of her family members or friends are on her side. Rachel’s on her own in finding out what REALLY happened, and who the girl who claims to be Julia really is. The mystery and thrill of a plot twist is exciting for adolescents,making it an appealing novel to read.
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