Freedom to Read Books

Welcome to the Walhalla High School Library book blog, Freedom to Read Books. Join us for discussions about banned and challenged books; tell us what you really think. Just remember that you are still in a school setting, so be responsible and keep it clean. Click in using NAME/URL to identify yourself, but sign your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL ONLY in the name box. Do NOT give out personal info. It's a crazy digital world out there; be safe.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Stranger with My Face by Lois Duncan

Do you read banned books? Tell us what you think about this title from popular young adult author Lois Duncan.


At Wed Nov 29, 11:28:00 AM 2017, Anonymous brittney V. said...


The novel Stranger with My Face would be appealing to an adolescent audience because it has situations between characters which teens can relate to. The book is about a girl named Laurie Stratton who wants to find out why her friends are saying they are seeing her at places where she isn’t. For example, Laurie’s boyfriend tells her he saw her with another guy at the beach when she wasn’t there at all; in fact, she was home sick. Eventually they start having trust issues and spending less time with each other and end up breaking up. After Laurie and her boyfriend break up her friends start bailing on her because they end up taking her boyfriend's side.Laurie now has to get to the bottom of why people are seeing her at strange places. she’s not at. Teens will be able to relate to Laurie and her relationship because many relationships can have misunderstandings like Laurie and her boyfriend did. The book really hooks the reader in. Even though the novel has some bad language in it, it still goes with the story and teens will be able to enjoy and relate to the novel.


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