Freedom to Read Books

Welcome to the Walhalla High School Library book blog, Freedom to Read Books. Join us for discussions about banned and challenged books; tell us what you really think. Just remember that you are still in a school setting, so be responsible and keep it clean. Click in using NAME/URL to identify yourself, but sign your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL ONLY in the name box. Do NOT give out personal info. It's a crazy digital world out there; be safe.

Monday, November 13, 2017

The Monument by Gary Paulsen

Have you read any banned books lately? Share your insights on this title from popular young adult author Gary Paulsen.


At Thu Dec 07, 08:11:00 PM 2017, Anonymous Christopher B said...

The Monument, by Gary Paulsen (speak) This story is about a girl who grew up in a foster home, her name is Rachael Ellen Turner. No one wanted to adopt her because born with an awful disease. She was a very lonely child, no one wanted to be friend with a “girl like her” they were either mean to her or they got adopted before she could even get close to them or get to even know them a little. She was also a little colored girl and that made it twice as hard to get adopted. The “sisters” of the foster home would dress her up and make her look beautiful and presentable for the family that is coming to meet her, yet every family always had a special reason on why they couldn't adopt her. Yet, all her luck changed when a special family, finally adopted her. The name of her new family goes by the Hamesvedts, they came once before to meet with her but for some reason they weren’t ready to bring her into their family just yet. Good thing, they changed their mind now her life will start to brighten up and maybe become happier. But little do they know this little quiet girl has a very, deep, dark secret she isn’t allowed to share with no one.


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