Welcome to the Walhalla High School Library book blog, Freedom to Read Books. Join us for discussions about banned and challenged books; tell us what you really think. Just remember that you are still in a school setting, so be responsible and keep it clean. Click in using NAME/URL to identify yourself, but sign your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL ONLY in the name box. Do NOT give out personal info. It's a crazy digital world out there; be safe.
This noval appeals to an adolescent audience because it is very mature and talks about things that adults would understand. This piece of writing has a lot to do with slavery and how slavery had an effect on the world back then. It also talks a lot about whipping and describes what a person looks like after they are whipped. Having whipping in this book makes this a more adult book and this is why it might be banned for younger kids. This would also confuse young kids because they wouldn’t understand slavery. Most parents would not want their kids knowing about that racial period at that young age. This might make parents mad that they have a book out like this for young kids to read and then the school could get in trouble. This book has a very good reason why it is a banned from checking it out, this book could not make sense to younger kids and could get them very confused and their parents mad.
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