Freedom to Read Books

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Monday, November 13, 2017

Give a Boy a Gun by Todd Strasser

Have you read any banned books lately? Share your insights on this controversial title from young adult author Todd Strasser.


At Mon Nov 20, 08:56:00 AM 2017, Anonymous Andrew W. said...

The novel Give a Boy a Gun appeals to adolescent audiences by using the topic of school shootings and they can happen in any school, anywhere, and at any time. The point of view is from every character who was interviewed but the main characters, Brendan and Gary, are the shooters. The plot in this novel is layed out to show what led up to the shooting, during the shooting, and after the massacre happened. The way this book is categorized is that it doesn't have chapters, it has the grades that the two were in and in the grade section it has the interviews of the of the children that Gary and Brenden hung out with, the people they hated, and some teachers that had encounters the two of them and some that knew them. The plot is very long leading up to the shooting and really tells you what the two boys went through from middle school to eleventh grade. It builds suspense and really makes you want to keep reading and see what is going to happen. This book is very unique and I would recommend it to almost anyone.

At Wed Nov 29, 11:31:00 AM 2017, Anonymous hayden h said...

The novel Give a Boy a Gun, by Todd Strasser, appeals to the adolescent audience because the situations in the novel are real and many teenagers go through them. Gary and Brendan, the main characters, are bullied and ridiculed constantly, and they are sick of it. The last straw is when Brendan gets his head put in a toilet by some of the football players. After this, Gary and Brendan decide to take matters into their own hands, plotting a attack against the whole school. Many teens can learn from them to find a different way to deal with them getting bullied. Adolescents will also appreciate the writing style of the author. The author goes into great detail to fully describe the events happening in the novel. Overall this novel is great for teens in the same situation as Gary and Brendan to see that doing something extreme is not always going to help stop the problem.


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