Freedom to Read Books

Welcome to the Walhalla High School Library book blog, Freedom to Read Books. Join us for discussions about banned and challenged books; tell us what you really think. Just remember that you are still in a school setting, so be responsible and keep it clean. Click in using NAME/URL to identify yourself, but sign your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL ONLY in the name box. Do NOT give out personal info. It's a crazy digital world out there; be safe.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Forever by Judy Blume

Do you read banned books? Let us know what you think of this often-banned title from young adult author Judy Blume.


At Fri Nov 17, 09:20:00 AM 2017, Anonymous Ashley L. said...

The novel Forever… by Judy Blume certainly appeals to an adolescent audience. In this piece of nonfiction, the protagonists are all teenagers. They are all seniors in high school and the main characters, Katherine and Michael are facing another big “first”: a decision. An adolescent reader would rather read a novel that has characters the same age as themselves because it appeals to them. If the teenagers reading the book understand the same struggles the protagonists do, they will continue reading. The teenager readers can relate to the same issues that Katherine and Michael are facing in their relationship. Michael and Katherine both think they will last forever but being this young Katherine gets unsure. Another issue they have to face as a couple is how are they going to be apart for so long when they go off to college. Many seniors in a serious relationship have to face the same thing and with reading a novel that states this, they have another perspective of it outside of their own. Overall, the book Forever… does appeal to an adolescent audience. Adolescent readers want a book that they can read and relate to and the author, Judy Blume, does an amazing job at appealing Forever... to a teen audience.


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