Freedom to Read Books

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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

My Fight/Your Fight by Ronda Rousey

Do you read controversial books? Give us your thoughts on this non-fiction title from Ronda Rousey.


At Mon Nov 20, 09:01:00 AM 2017, Anonymous Tabor H. said...

My fight your fight appeals to adolescent audience because, ronda talks about how she made her way to UFC and became a MMA specialist and she is motivating young and adults to go after what you want don't let anyone hold you back from achieving things you want. When Ronda was little she had a speaking problem, she knew what she wanted to say but it wouldn't come out that way. when she was about two or three she wanted this toy called a wrestling buddy put instead of saying that she would say balgrin her family went to every toy store and couldn't find a blagrin so they were losing hope until they went to one and Ronda showed him what it did and he knew exactly what she was talking about. My fight your fight is a novel that tells the story of ronda and what she has had to go through and many kids, teens, and adults can look up to her.

At Fri Nov 24, 10:18:00 PM 2017, Anonymous Mrs. Harris said...

What do you think so far about the book, considering the way Walmart wouldn't sell this book in their stores? Are you still enjoying it?


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